E-mail Distribution List


Through the MEFGOX CHURCH MUSIC email distribution list, you’ll receive up-to-date messages about activities, resources, and information related to Greek Orthodox church music. It’s a way to keep informed about what is happening at a national level as well as in MEFGOX’s two Metropolises of Detroit and Pittsburgh. To date, there are more than 2200 choir directors, singers, organists, chanters, youth music directors, and clergy on the CHURCH MUSIC list!


Not to worry, the list won’t overburden you with a flood of messages! It’s a broadcast-only list and the type and amount of information are filtered. Usually, you’ll receive a message every 1-2 weeks, unless there is an important happening. And at the beginning of the Subject Line, you’ll see “CHURCH MUSIC” or “MEFGOX” so you’ll know who the message is coming from.


TO SUBSCRIBE: Send your name, email, and your church and its city/state to Vicki Pappas at pappas@indiana.edu.


If you know of any others in your parish who would like to be part of the CHURCH MUSIC list, simply send along their names, emails, and church and city/state affiliation. We’ll be glad to add them, too.