About the Mid-Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians
What is MEFGOX?
The mission of a Greek Orthodox Church music ministry is to come before God’s presence in liturgical worship, leading the congregation in singing to the Lord with praise and thanksgiving. The Mid-Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians is established to provide an organized forum for all involved parties in Orthodox liturgical worship: the Metropolitans of Pittsburgh and Detroit, priests, chanters, choir directors, choir members, youth musicians, organists, composers/arrangers, and translators.
Although MEFGOX has been around for over sixty years, there is still confusion about what it is.
♪ The purpose of the Federation is to assist parishes develop their church music programs – by presenting training programs, providing resources, offering assistance, and offering scholarships.
♪ MEFGOX is the acronym for the Mid-Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. (Originally the 'X' stood for the Greek 'χοροδία.')
♪ All the parishes of the Metropolis are able to be members of the Mid-Eastern Federation, simply by making an annual stewardship contribution. This stewardship covers all the church musicians in the parish: choir directors, singers, organists, chanters, clergy, and Church School music coordinators. (Thus the change in name to 'Church Musicians.')
♪ The business of the Federation is conducted by the Federation Council which meets twice a year, once in the Winter and at the July convention. Ideally, each parish should send at least one representative to these meetings.
♪ Scholarships are awarded annually to young people who are active church musicians in their parishes and wish to continue their music studies. Scholarships are also available to adults, who want to improve their directing, vocal, or accompanying skills in order to serve our Holy Orthodox Church.
♪ For more information about the Federation or for scholarship/stewardship forms, please visit the Forms and Files page.